If you are a lucky customer riding the brand new Flipsky VESCs (io the Stormcore devices) in combination with an extended battery, you may need to upgrade your VESC firmware to be able to use all the features of the ReVOLT! dashboard.
In order to perform the VESC upgrade, connect your VESC 1 to your computer using a compatible USB cable. You will also need to latest version of the VESC Tool available at https://vesc-project.com/vesc_tool
You will aslo need to use the beta version of the VESC Tool, available inside a zip file in the official downloads, until the official build is released as 6.0
Save Current Settings
Before performing the upgrade, make sure to save motor and app setting respectively for both vescs using the STABLE Vesc tool, not the beta. (Since your Flipsky vesc is actually a double VESC).
After connecting, select the first VESC in the CAN-device window and go to the upper window menu. Save both motor and app config through File > Save [...] configuration as ...
Select the second VESC and also save those settings on your machine.
Once both settings are saved close the stable VESC tool and open the beta version.
Flash the Firmware (WITH the beta version)
Be careful! Do not disconnect your VESC from your computer while performing the update. Do not disconnect your VESC from power while performing the upgrade. Failing to comply will result in your VESC becoming corrupt and needing a manual reprogram.
Switch to the beta VESC tool and navigate to the firmware tab. Compatible firmware for the VESC connected will show up. Select the default firmware and click the program button.
Wait for the program to finish.
Restore your settings
For both VESCs on the Flipsky, restore your previously saved configuration by clicking on File > Load app/motor configuration.... (in the beta vesc tool)
Note: you have to click on the 'write motor configuration' and 'write app configuration' for the settings to be permanent.
Once you have saved your previously stored settings, please make sure that your motor current configuration is still valid.
For an extended battery, motor currents should not exceed -60A to 60A. Battery currents should be max. 15A and -12A regenerative. For all settings, please refer to the upgrade guide that can be found here
Configure ADC
These settings should only be configured for VESC 1 (with CAN id 22). VESC 2 should only be sending CAN status message 1 but not have any active ADC.
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